Browsing: OPPO F7
Catch the OPPO4U Anniversary Last Wave with the best-selling OPPO F7 at PHP 14,990 The highly competitive and well-received OPPO…
Taking and sharing selfies—or self-portraits—is not as modern as it seems. In defense of the “selfie-obsessed” However, the ancient selfies…
The OPPO F7 flagship smartphone made an even more affordable clone on ‘F7 Youth’ OPPO F7 Youth started its pre-order…
Experience more with the new OPPO F7 now available, free at Smart GigaX Plan 1499 Elevate your smartphone experience with…
OPPO launched its latest phone, the OPPO F7, a couple of weeks ago. If you are thinking of getting this…
Robi Domingo, Sanya Lopez, Janella Salvador, Janine Gutierrez open up about online bashing
Robi Domingo, Sanya Lopez, Janella Salvador and Janine Gutierrez open up about online bashing Beyond stardom and all that jazz,…
How do you think the selfie game of the OPPO Ambassadors changed now that they are using OPPO F7? Watch…
The latest installment of OPPO F7 includes the first ever AI system version 2.0. Here’s the ambassadors of OPPO sharing…
Get a hand on this OPPO F7! Why? Because it truly captures the real you! Watch this:
Endorsements after endorsements, what do you think is next for these two?
Aside from capturing photos, what else do you think #Joshlia loves capturing from each other
From the recent issues, JoshLia stands, that they already moved past the issue and it is not necessary to talk…
OPPO F7 captures the real you. Don’t you think these two captured the realness of each other?
Have you seen the latest commercial of OPPO F7? According to Joshua Garcia and Julia Barretto, it is nothing but…
At the launching of the newest flagship of OPPO, the JoshLia serenades the crowd by singing Perfect by Ed Sheeran…
OPPO F7 recently launched the latest flagship of OPPO. Here’s Janella Salvador singing the Moana OST.