“The Witness,” the first solo movie of Gwen Zamora is Graded A by Cinema Evaluation Board (CEB). This is the GMA Films and Skylar Pictures‘ first film venture to premiere on March 21 in the Philippines, and by April 26 theatrical run in Indonesia. The movie proves to be of high quality and standard.
Films graded “A” and “B” by the Board are entitled to amusement tax reward that commensurate with the amusement tax levied on and collected from the films by Metro Manila cities and municipalities, and by other highly urbanized and independent component cities in the Philippines, pursuant to Sections 141 and 150 of Republic Act No. 7160. Grade “A” films qualify for 100 percent of the amusement tax.
“The Witness” revolves around Angel Fordeliza Isagani (Gwen), a hotel manager originally based in Manila who later moves to a Jakarta hotel in Indonesia. Based on the trailer the story evolves on the massacre of her family and her tragic experiences.
Coming starting tomorrow on Philippine theaters, Skylar Pictures and GMA Films present “The Witness” starring Gwen Zamora, Pierre Gruno, Agung Saga, Kimberly Ryder, Marcellino Lefrandt and Feby Febiola.