Directed by acclaimed comedy film director, Wenn Deramas and starred by Vice Ganda, the film depicts the life and struggle of Benjamin “Benjie” Santos VIII as he enters the military service to save his grandfather, General Benjamin Santos VI (Eddie Garcia) when a civil war breaks out in the Philippines. Even though he is openly-gay, Benjie will try to hide it to prove that he is as brave as his ancestors. However, his secret will be revealed and he will be kicked out of the academy but it won’t stop Private Benjie from fulfilling the duties of a real soldier.
“The Unkabogable Praybeyt Benjamin” is the second starring film of comedian-host Vice Ganda. He felt that the film will be an instant hit to viewers but didn’t expect that it would gross P330 million.
Catch “The Unkabogable Praybeyt Benjamin”, which also stars Derek Ramsay, Jimmy Santos, Kean Cipriano, Nikki Valdez, DJ Durano, Vandolph Quizon and Ricky Rivero, on Sunday (August 26) at 8 p.m. on Cinema One, the number one cable channel in the Philippines. Cinema One is available on SkyCable Gold, SkyCable Silver and other quality cable operators nationwide. For more information and updates, logon to