“Pamilya Sagrado,” ABS-CBN’s family drama series starring Piolo Pascual, Kyle Echarri, and Grae Fernandez, piqued viewers’ interest as its pilot episode garnered 443,269 peak live concurrent views on Kapamilya Online Live and generated multiple tren0ding topics on social media.
The series airs weeknights on Kapamilya Channel, A2Z, and TV5.
The riveting episode, which dropped on Monday (June 17), introduced viewers to the interesting dynamic between college boys Moises and Justin (Kyle and Grae), who quickly became friends after a brief and heated confrontation when Justin ran over Moises.
Viewers also got a glimpse of the corrupt tendencies of Rafael (Piolo), the town’s governor and father of Justin.
Netizens praised the series on social media for its relatable and gripping storyline, as well as the acting prowess displayed by the cast. Viewers are also looking forward to the eye-opening lessons that will soon unfold as the series will also tackle brotherhood and violence experienced in fraternities.
“@piolopascual_ph finally graces us with his presence. This brief scene alone shows how affluent and respected the good governor is with his “gift” of tikoy. The direction, writing, and music make this show feel like a classic political thriller,” posted @deepdish1216.
“Love how layered Justin Sagrado’s character is. there’s goodness (w/ his parents), there’s darkness (frat pinuno), the confused, lost n terrified boy (w/ his grandpa), then there’s him, the dreamer. Grae Fernandez captured Justin so beautifully,” said user @sadluvstories.
Netizen @lovekyle on X commented, “Moises takes us on a roller coaster of emotions, making us smile, cry, and feel inspired. I also loved his dynamics with Kelvin and Grace.”
“Pamilya Sagrado’s” succeeding episodes will turn more compelling as viewers get to know the rest of the Sagrado family and their dark family ties. Danger may also be on the horizon for frat boys Moises and Justin as Rafael suspiciously hires Moises to keep an eye out for his son.
Witness the gripping revelations in “Pamilya Sagrado” weeknights at 8:45 PM on Kapamilya Channel, A2Z, TV5, Kapamilya Online Live, and TFC. The series also streams 48 hours before its TV broadcast on iWantTFC. For updates, follow @abscbnpr on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, and Instagram or visit www.abs-cbn.com/newsroom.