The documentary tells about “Camille,” who was sexually abused by her father when she was only 8 years old and conceived her firstborn baby by the age of 9. She was a full-fledged mother by 10 years of age, one of the youngest mothers in the history of the Philippines. She is now under the care of the Department of Social Welfare and Development and has given up her son in the hopes that a foster family will give him the love and care he needs.
“Ang Pinakabata” has been chosen last year by the Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival for a one-time special screening, making it the first television documentary to be given such honor. Respected filmmaker Dr. Clodualdo del Mundo Jr., who acted as the programmer of the documentary section of this year’s Cinemalaya, extolled the thought-provoking subject of the documentary. “Ang Pinakabata” deals with a sensitive subject – a very young girl, not beyond puberty, who gets pregnant. It will make any sensitive viewer angry; hopefully, it will also make viewers find rational solutions to a very explosive subject,” del Mundo said.
“Ang Pinakabata” was also a Finalist in the 2012 UNICEF Asia-Pacific Child Rights Award .