Despite its new competition, the hit Kapamilya action-drama series topbilled by Kris, Robin and Anne Curtis remained the winner in its timeslot as proven by the latest data from Kantar Media last Thursday (February 21) when “Kailangan Ko’y Ikaw” garnered 15.1% national TV ratings, or almost six points higher than its new rival program in GMA “Greatest Love,” which only got 9.2%.
Now that Roxanne seems to get weaker because of cancer, what will Bogs (Robin) do to save the life of his beloved wife? With Ruth’s nearing return to the Philippines, can she make her Ate Roxanne’s ordeal a little bit less painful? What will Bogs do when he discovers that his wife is trying to draw him closer to his ex-girlfriend Ruth?
Don’t miss the top-caliber action-drama series “Kailangan Ko’y Ikaw,” weeknights, after “Apoy Sa Dagat” on ABS-CBN’s Primetime Bida. For more updates, log on to or follow abscbndotcom on Twitter.