According to GMA Entertainment News Online, the story of an old man in Bulacan touches the heart of AlDub fans. It was shared by an avid fan through Twitter that goes with a username ; Perfect Timeng, the post was publicly shared as early as 7:00 a.m., Sunday on October 18, 2015.
Perfect Timeng got a chance to talk with the oldest fan of AlDub.
At first the old man (‘Lolo’) is hesitant to take advantage of being a senior citizen and be in front of those people who have waited in line for hours but when he knew that after reserving tickets, he still need to go in line again, thinking that the first line s the final process.
So, Perfect Timeng informed ‘Lolo’ that he needs to line up again. That’s the time the old man complained that he can no longer wait because he has an appointment to attend after buying tickets. He politely asked permission to everyone ahead of him and these people let him comes first and said “We are all AlDubnation here, go ahead ‘Lolo.’
He was planning to purchase a ticket worth Php350 but then it got fully-booked. They thought the Lolo will be disappointed upon hearing the news but after that scenario, but the old man modestly stated “Buying a ticket worth PHP150.00 is fine for as long as we occupy all the seats in Philippine Arena; so others should not discriminate us.”
Finally Grandfather has his tickets already, expressed gratitude and due to his overjoyed, his feet leads him to dance mambo right before leaving to spread good vibes to the people who are still waiting to buy for their tickets.
Maine Mendoza did not hesitate further upon reading the story of a ‘Lolo’, she actually asked everyone to help her see this old man.
In less than 10 hours, Maine tweeted again and inform everyone that she has found the senior citizen who lined up just to buy tickets for them in 6 hours and more.
For Maine’s plan for the old man is everyone should wait!