The IBC-13 employees union on Saturday accused its management of mishandling the network, claiming unpaid dues to its employees.
The state-run TV network, according to the employees, is on the verge of bankruptcy due to continuous anomalies and irregularities which they blamed on the alleged syndicate inside the PCOO. PCOO is the mother department of IBC-13.
One of the anomalies the employees union alleged is the Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) with R-II Builders.
“It is ironic that instead of collecting revenues, the company saw a seeming verge of bankruptcy due to a stingy deal. We cannot help but wonder why the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO), mother department of IBC-13, and other concerned agencies bent to the agreement,” said on the statement.
The agreement which involved a transfer of 3.64 hectares of IBC-13 property in Diliman, Quezon City to the private firm was flagged by COA saying it was heavily favored to R-II Builders
Meanwhile, the group also added that they haven’t received any salary increase since 2008 despite their collective bargaining agreement, and the promised 278 million to pay unpaid employee benefits didn’t also materialize.
“The promised P278 million to cover for unpaid benefits of employees was never realized because until now the company’s financial obligations remain ceiling-high, both for active and retired employees,” the group said.
“Some of them have already died deprived of the benefits from working almost half their lifetime with the company with commitment and dedication while the rest continue to fight and beg with IBC-13 for the financial benefits that are rightfully theirs,” they added.
Labor practices issues have been used against ABS-CBN during the franchise renewal hearings.
ABS-CBN employees react
I mean…
— Mike Navallo (@mikenavallo) August 22, 2020
Suddenly the labor champions from Congress are missing.
— Nick Villavecer (@nickvillavecer) August 22, 2020
It’s quite ironic, however, that the congressmen furious about ABS-CBN are now silent about the labor issues on the government-owned TV station.