Marimar was originally aired during the 90’s and portrayed by the Latina superstar Thalia. From there, Philippines couldn’t get enough of the “telenovela”. Its a phenomenal success and was first adopted to Philippine television last 2007 starring Marian Rivera as “Marimar”. This year another remake has been made.
But into everyones’ sentiment, what’s new and to expect with the latest remake? Today’s “Marimar” starred of former Miss World 2013, Megan Young.
Of-course, as we talk of a “remake” the basic story, characters, role names and main plot should be intact. However, adaptations have the right to modify the cultural representation based on its new audience but still relatable to it’s contemporary relevance.
In an interview of Megan Young before the airing of the first episode, Megan mentioned a lot of difference from the original and the first local remake.
Below are some list of what Megan talking about how the new “Marimar differs from the first remake and the original one.
1. Fulgoso the iconic dog of “Marimar” will be gay. Surprised?
You’ve heard it right! Should we still call it Pulgoso?
2. The back story of Marimar’s parents and the third-wheel, Angelika.
For the new generation of audience, the 2015 remake wants to establish deeper on “Marimar” parents. What’s the real score of the love triangle between Marimar’s parents Mia, played by Alice Dixson, Gustavo played by Zoren Legaspi and the third-wheel to the couple, Brenda Guillermo, played by Ina Raymundo.
3. Depiction of modern Filipina as compared to Thalia’s version.
Megan shared in an interview that the her version of Marimar, is somewhat a reflection of her role being the Miss World.
A modern Filipina who is outspoken, driven to get what she wants and knows the responsibilities of her actions. As compared to Thalia’s portrayal, who is innocent, naive and vulnerable to emotional pains.
4. Expect more beach scenes.
According to Megan, she underwent on a diving lesson where-in she nearly drowned. She wore a scuba gear dipping onto a 12 feet pool
5. Although the particular scene hasn’t aired yet, Megan shared to expect a big difference on how Sergio, played by Tom Rodriguez will meet Marimar.
This is the episode we all want to see.
So with only just a week of airing, there have been a lot of things happening on Marimar.
Watch it every night on GMA7 and don’t miss it!