On Wednesday, Smart Communication posted on Twitter a now-viral video teaser with a caption “The Captain is coming. Watch out for the big RiVeal” referring to the character of Captain Ri from Crash Landing on You played by the South Korean star Hyun Bin.
Hyun Bin also played lead roles in some of the unforgettable series like “Secret Garden” and “My Name is Kim Sam-soon” The actor is set to fly to the country in the coming month.
Smart Chief Executive Officer Manuel V. Pangilinan also confirmed that Hyun Bin is the new Smart Communication endorser in a follow-up tweet.
Yes. Hyun Bin it is. Ad online and tv will breakout on Monday, June 1, around noon. Go go go Smart!
— Manny V. Pangilinan (@iamMVP) May 27, 2020
Smart Communications is set to break out their online and TV advertisement on Monday, June 1, around noon.