Primetime TV’s charming drama series “Dream Dad” achieves a new milestone as the Kapamilya teleserye starring the newest Kapamilya “couple” Zanjoe Marudo and child star Jana Agoncillo reaches its highest national TV rating since it premiered in November.
According to data from Kantar Media last Thursday (December 4), the primetime TV series scored its all-time high national TV ratings of 32.2%, or double of its rival program on GMA “More Than Words” (16%).
“It’s heartwarming and rewarding to feel the strong support of viewers for our show. I am very happy for the whole cast and crew, and especially for Jana because she is one of the reasons why viewers are hooked to ‘Dream Dad’,” said Zanjoe who plays the role of Baste, the bachelor who Baby (portrayed by Jana) calls “Mr. President.”
“We are lucky that Jana is the one chosen to portray Baby because she is really perfect for the role,” said Zanjoe. “She really amazes me. We are always playing on the set, but every time we do our scenes together, she is very prepared and has always memorized her lines. She is very natural when it comes to acting.”
According to Zanjoe, TV viewers will get to see more of Baste and Baby’s feel-good moments in the continuation of “Dream Dad.”
“Baste and Baby’s story is just beginning to unfold. Viewers should watch how they will face challenges in their lives together, and how they will help each other fulfill their dreams,” he said.
Don’t miss the newest feel-good family drama series that will draw smiles in the hearts of viewers, “Dream Dad,” weeknights, after “TV Patrol,” on ABS-CBN Primetime Bida. For more information about “Dream Dad,” log on to the show’s official social networking sites,, and Viewers may also catch up on full episodes and past episodes of “Dream Dad” through ABS-CBNmobile. For more information, please go to