- Dr. Joseph Renta III, museum curator and art restorer, went to the ecotourism conference held at Miriam College.
- At the Marian Auditorium in Miriam College last Monday, November 20.
- The ‘echo’ in the title of the conference stands for ecology, culture, heritage and opportunities involved in tourism.
“EchoTourism v3.0: Ecology, Culture, Heritage and Opportunities” was in Miriam College. The conference was at the Marian Auditorium last Monday, November 20. Gina Lopez, Anabelle Plantilla, Professor Eric Zerrudo, Dr. Joseph Renta III and Dr. Filiberto Pollisco, Jr spoke at the conference. The ‘echo’ in the title of the conference stands for ecology, culture, heritage and also, opportunities involved in tourism.
A professional interior designer, museum administer, curator and art restorer, Dr. Joseph Renta III, is another plenary speaker. He also explained that old churches made in the Spanish period in the Philippines shouldn’t be called ‘Spanish churches’ but ‘Philippine Colonial Churches.’ The reason behind this is that the said churches are made by Filipinos and seen in the Philippines.
In 2008, Renta initiated a project which helped put up the San Beda Museum. The official museum housing the Benedictine educational institution’s 106 years of history. Also, it was inaugurated in January 27, 2008 and was only a project of Graduate school students for their Museum Interpretation and Design, under Prof. Corazon Alvina. The students were: Bryan Brigoli, Maureen Runas, and also, Joseph Renta.
He explained that Metropolitan Theater is a very good example of conserving a heritage structure. Clean-up drives started in December 2015, paving the way for the eventual restoration of the building by 2016. Conserving a heritage structure is helping our tourism to get better.