Comedian Pooh, also known as Reynold Garcia, voiced his frustration with netizens who remain focused on political disputes amid the devastation brought by Typhoon Kristine.
Pooh urged people to put aside political debates and focus on helping those affected by the recent typhoon.
“Sorry ha? Pero PU–ANG INA NINYO! Me bagyo na nga KULAY pa din pinag-uusapan nyo!!! Tumulong kung tutulong! TAO AT BUHAY PINAGUUSAPAN DITO!” he expressed in a Facebook post, later sharing details of a donation drive organized by the Kaya Natin Ito and Jesse Robredo Foundation to encourage relief efforts.
The post quickly gained support, with netizens commending Pooh’s call to focus on unity and assistance.
Meanwhile, the Office of Civil Defense (OCD) reported that Typhoon Kristine has claimed 46 lives, with rescue operations still ongoing to assist those trapped by severe flooding. The Bicol Region was particularly hard-hit, with 28 fatalities, while Calabarzon reported 15. Twenty individuals remain missing, with seven reported injuries.
President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. expressed sympathy for the victims, commending the efforts of local government units for their swift action. He has ordered the full mobilization of military and other uniformed agencies to support relief efforts.
With the Philippines experiencing an average of 20 typhoons per year, studies indicate a trend of storms intensifying as they form closer to shorelines, highlighting the challenges posed by climate change.