PULP, a renowned name in the entertainment and events industry, proudly announces the launch of PULP Spaces+, its subsidiary dedicated to creating unparalleled event experiences. Specializing in the facilitation, management, and production of a diverse range of events such as exhibits, pop-up stores, and related initiatives.
The core services provided by PULP Spaces+ encompass meticulous event planning, strategic venue selection, logistical coordination, and comprehensive production management. From overseeing the design and setup of exhibition spaces to managing supplier relationships, coordinating staffing needs, and implementing effective marketing and promotional strategies, PULP Spaces+ ensures seamless execution to maximize event visibility and attendance.
PULP Spaces+ aims to create immersive and engaging experiences that leave a lasting impression on attendees. The team’s expertise and dedication guarantee that every event under PULP Spaces+ is unique and unforgettable.
The debut project introduced by PULP Spaces+ is the much-anticipated 2024 IU HEREH POP-UP STORE IN MANILA, set to take place at the SM Mall Of Asia, 3F South Entertainment Mall running from May 19 to May 28, 2024, with operating hours from 11AM to 9PM (PH Time). UAENA are in for a treat as the pop-up store will feature a range of exclusive official IU HEREH merchandise along with additional IU merchandise sure to delight everyone.
The 2024 IU HEREH POP-UP STORE IN MANILA at SM Mall of Asia, 3F South Entertainment Mall presents a unique opportunity for fans to grab their favorite merchandise before the 2024 IU HEREH WORLD TOUR CONCERT IN MANILA on June 1, 2024 at the Philippine Arena. UAENA can expect a carefully curated selection of items, ensuring a memorable shopping experience that complements the excitement building up to the concert.
Stay updated on all things 2024 IU HEREH POP-UP STORE IN MANILA by following PULP Spaces+’s social media accounts. From merchandise previews to policy announcements, PULP Spaces+ is your go-to source for the latest updates.