After the triumph of the gripping revenge drama series ‘Dirty Linen,’ Kapamilya actress Janine Gutierrez is on the lookout for fresh and exhilarating projects to dive into.
Although she hasn’t settled on a particular project just yet, Gutierrez is eagerly anticipating her next endeavor with ABS-CBN. She holds the belief that, irrespective of the concept, endeavors under ABS-CBN’s umbrella consistently offer excellence, novelty, and excitement.
During an interview with ABS-CBN News, Gutierrez shared her thoughts on the queer film ‘Rookie,’ directed by Samantha Lee, characterizing it as “sweet, heartwarming, and joyful.” She underscored the relevance of such films in today’s context and voiced her keenness to collaborate with Samantha Lee once more in the future.
Gutierrez has previously collaborated with Lee on ‘Sleep With Me’ and conveyed her enthusiasm for participating in any forthcoming projects helmed by the director. She deeply admires Lee’s commitment to providing representation for underrepresented communities and views herself as an advocate for this important form of storytelling.
The actress acknowledges the importance of films that spotlight lesbian love, as they offer a sense of belonging and understanding to individuals who may grapple with feelings of isolation or contend with comparable challenges.
Gutierrez passionately endorses films that shed light on these narratives, providing solace and a profound sense of identity to those who may seek it.