During a recent media conference for the relaunch of the popular comedy show ‘Bubble Gang,’ Michael V., the talented comedian known for portraying various characters, including Mr. Assimo, shared some exciting news.
After the successful ‘Yaya and Angelina: The Spoiled Brat Movie’ from 14 years ago, Michael V. revealed that there were plans for Mr. Assimo to have his own movie. However, due to unforeseen circumstances, the project was unable to come to fruition.
Mr. Assimo, like Yaya and Angelina, is an iconic character from ‘Bubble Gang’ who is adored by fans for his funny antics, clever comebacks, and unique utilization of reverse psychology.
Speaking at the media conference on June 30, Michael V. said, “Yung Mr. Assimo, it’s in the works. I have the script ready na, kaya lang nagkaroon ng konting delay, at inabutan ng pandemic.”
Michael V. also expressed his belief that a movie version of Mr. Assimo could be next in line if they were to produce a movie based on the show.
The relaunch of ‘Bubble Gang’ is set to bring back the laughter with weekly episodes airing on Sundays at 6 p.m., starting July 9.
Fans can look forward to enjoying their regular dose of comedy from the show once again.