Annie Nepomuceno, a US-based musical arranger and producer involved in the Lea Salonga dressing room incident, shared a list of reminders on the proper approach when interacting with celebrities. It seemed to be a response to a viral video posted by a fan featuring Tony Award-winning singer-actress Lea Salonga and her colleagues.
The video captured the moment when fans stormed into Salonga’s dressing room after her Broadway show ‘Here Lies Love,’ asserting themselves into her personal space.
Nevertheless, Salonga calmly explained to her fans that they could not enter her dressing room because she neither knew them nor they followed the proper protocol. The fans were not authorized in the dressing room and they were not invited visitors.
In an attempt to gain access to Salonga’s personal space, one of the fans claimed to be friends with one of the show’s producers, G. Tongi. This did not change Salonga’s point. Instead, she instructed the group to wait outside the dressing area to accommodate their request.
Despite Salonga being clear with her point, the viral video gave a negative impression and suggested that the fans were being rudely rejected by her.
Upon investigation, Salonga discovered that Tongi, the person namedropped by the group, did not actually know them nor endorse their entry into the dressing room.
As this incident became a trending topic online, Nepomuceno decided to post a list of reminders to guide stage performers and celebrities like Salonga. It also served as a subtle reminder to fans wanting to get near their idols.
Tongi shared Nepomuceno’s post on her Facebook account with the caption, “Best post ever!!!”
Salonga tweeted to remind everyone that she does not want her personal boundaries invaded.