‘Bubble Gang,’ the beloved Filipino sketch comedy show, is set to make a big comeback with a relaunch that promises to bring laughter and entertainment to an even wider audience.
With some exciting changes in store, fans can expect a fresh experience from the show on July 9 at its new time slot of 6.pm. every Sunday.
Lilibeth Rasonable, a GMA executive, expressed her enthusiasm for the new time slot, stating, “We want to move it to an earlier timeslot, on a Sunday, so more people can enjoy the entertainment that Bubble Gang has to offer.”
This strategic move aims to capture a larger viewership and deliver content that resonates with a broader range of people.
One of the key enhancements to the show’s format is the inclusion of a live audience. While Bubble Gang has previously featured live audiences, the relaunch will place greater emphasis on this aspect.
Director Frasco Mortiz shared his observations on the impact of having a live audience, noting, “The energy among the cast is different now with an audience present… You can feel the heightened energy. Everyone is on their toes because there are people watching.”
The show’s mainstay, Michael V., acknowledged the challenges that come with the new time slot, stating, “For the longest time, we’ve been airing on Sunday nights. This time around, it’s a more wholesome timeslot, which is challenging for us.”
“It’s for a wider audience, so we have to be very, very conscious about the content we’re creating,” emphasized Michael V.
Director Frasco also shared their vision of keeping Bubble Gang relevant in the age of social media, where comedy content is readily available.
“We’re pushing for the continued relevance of Bubble Gang as a comedy show because, with the advent of social media, where you see comedy content every day, how do you stay relevant when your competition is social media?” he posed.
Joining the familiar faces of Analyn Barro, Michael V., and Chariz Solomon for the relaunch are talented actors Kokoy De Santos, Paolo Contis, and Betong Sumaya.
The show also welcomes new cast members Buboy Villar, Chesca Fausto, and EA Guzman. Though EA Guzman was unable to attend the media conference on June 30, fans can look forward to seeing their comedic prowess in the upcoming episodes.