In a heartwarming turn of events, two of the country’s popular young actresses, Belle Mariano and Barbie Forteza, found an instant connection after sharing the spotlight as special guests on ABS-CBN’s noontime show “It’s Showtime,” which aired on GMA Network’s GTV Channel.
The newfound camaraderie between the Kapamilya and Kapuso stars has sparked excitement among fans, raising hopes for a potential collaboration in the future.
During the rehearsals for their production number on “It’s Showtime,” Belle and Barbie were given the chance to bond and engage in casual conversation. According to Belle, they chatted about their shared interest in watching documentaries on various streaming platforms, revealing a common passion that strengthened their connection.
The encounter proved to be a turning point for the young actresses, as they found themselves engaging in a meaningful and candid exchange despite their short time together. Belle expressed her admiration for Barbie’s genuine and kind personality, leaving a lasting impression on her.
“She’s super nice. It’s our first time. We met sa rehearsal for dance prod and, nagkasundo kami agad. We were in this one dressing room and we were talking about documentaries. Both of us shared that we love watching documentaries on streaming platforms,” Belle shared in a recent interview with Cinema News.
Their instant bond extended beyond the television screen, as the actresses continued to chat even after their guest appearance on “It’s Showtime.” Belle disclosed that they exchanged messages about their experiences working on different projects and even discussed their favorite shows to watch.
The chemistry between Belle and Barbie has piqued the curiosity of fans and industry observers, with many expressing their desire to see the talented duo collaborate on a project. Responding to the question of a possible joint venture, Belle enthusiastically said, “Of course. I woud love to work with her.”
The recent openness of major networks such as GMA Network, ABS-CBN, and TV5 to collaborations further fuels speculation about a potential partnership between the two actresses.
Belle and Barbie’s delightful encounter on “It’s Showtime” serves as a testament to the power of genuine connections and the potential for positive relationships to blossom even amidst fierce competition in the entertainment industry. Fans can only hope that this newfound friendship may pave the way for exciting joint projects that showcase their remarkable talents.