The adrenaline-pumping South Korean crime action franchise, “The Roundup: No Way Out,” is set to captivate Philippine cinema audiences with its heart-pounding action and captivating storyline.
Starring the iconic Don Lee, also known as Ma Dong-Seok, the third installment of the Crime City series has already established its dominance on the global stage, securing a jaw-dropping $25.3 million in ticket sales within just ten days of its grand premiere.
According to the renowned global box office ranking data aggregator comScore, “The Roundup: No Way Out” has solidified its place as the fourth-highest-grossing film worldwide as of Wednesday.
Set seven years after the chaotic events of the previous installment, the story follows the enigmatic Ma Seok-do as he joins forces with a new elite squad dedicated to investigate a perplexing murder case. Little does he know that this particular crime involves not only a nefarious gang of thugs but also the insidious influence of a synthetic drug wreaking havoc on the city.
“The Roundup: No Way Out” promises an explosive cinematic experience that will leave audiences craving more.
Get ready to immerse yourself in the adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster that is “The Roundup: No Way Out” as it unleashes its explosive action upon PH cinemas nationwide.