Xiaomi, the tech giant known for its cutting-edge devices, has just launched the Redmi Watch 3, keeping fitness enthusiasts on their toes. The company updated some of its most innovative products, including the Xiaomi Smart Camera C200, C300, and C400, which offer everything from 360° panorama view to ultra-low light color mode. And for those looking to boost their cooking skills or home security, Xiaomi has also relaunched the Smart Air Fryer Pro 4L EU, the Automatic Smart Door Lock, and the Xiaomi Outdoor Camera AW200 and AW300 which allow remote access and control via a smartphone app.
Wellness and trendy fashion combined
Featuring a crystal-clear 1.75″ AMOLED display, built-in GPS, and a 5ATM waterproof rating, the Redmi Watch 3 can track location and monitor fitness progress in any weather condition. With an impressive 121 sports modes, including six automatically recognized modes, the Redmi Watch 3 is the ultimate fitness companion. And with health monitoring functions such as blood oxygen, heart rate, and sleep tracking, users can rest assured that their wellness needs are well-catered for.
The device offers over 200 built-in watch faces and two special edition straps available in black and ivory, so users can match their fashion taste to their personal style. With an HD speaker and noise-canceling microphone, Bluetooth® phone calls are crystal clear, and its reliable battery life of up to 12 days in typical use ensures that it can keep up with even the most active lifestyles. The Redmi Watch 3 will be available for a standard retail price of only PHP 4,999 but shoppers may get it at an early bird price of PHP 4,499 from April 15 to 21, 2023.
Latest on smart home and security
Apart from the launch of the Redmi Watch 3, Xiaomi has also relaunched innovative products with the latest smart home and kitchen technology:
The Xiaomi Smart Camera C200 captures 1080p resolution with 2 megapixels and WDR wide dynamics, retaining more details even in backlight conditions. The camera’s 360° panorama view, infrared night vision, and human tracking features make it an ideal camera for home security. It retails for only PHP 1,799
The Xiaomi Smart Camera C300 captures a 2K resolution with AI human detection and a 6P lens with an F1.4 aperture, making it a high-end camera. The camera captures every detail in sharp 2K clarity. Its SRP is PHP 2,399.
The Xiaomi Smart Camera C400 offers a 1440p resolution with AI human detection and a 360 panoramic view. Its ultra-low light color mode allows it to smoothly present color pictures under ultra-low light conditions. Get your hands on the Xiaomi Smart Camera C400 today for only PHP 2,999.
The Xiaomi Outdoor Camera AW200 is a high-quality outdoor camera with features like high-resolution 1080P color night vision, ultra-low light full-color night vision, IP65 water, and dust-resistant design, and two-way voice calls. The camera’s retails for only PHP 1,899.
The Xiaomi Outdoor Camera AW300 captures ultra-HD 2K (3-Megapixel) resolution, smart full-color night vision, AI-based human detection, sound and light alert, electronic fence protection, two-way intercom up to 7 meters, and compatibility with Google and Alexa. The camera is also IP66 dustproof and waterproof, and it sells for only PHP 2,499.
Devices to boost your cooking space, upgrade your home security
The Xiaomi Smart Air Fryer Pro 4L EU is a versatile air fryer that can cook food for 1-5 people daily with a 4L optimal volume. The fryer features a transparent window design, fool-proof cooking for beginners, and an exclusive grill for efficient use of cooking space. The fryer is available for just PHP 5,099.
The Xiaomi Automatic Smart Door Lock is a high-tech security system that uses fingerprint recognition, NFC, Bluetooth, and password protection to secure your home. Its advanced security features and ease of use make it a popular choice for homeowners looking to upgrade their home security. It retails for PHP 18,999.
Customers may buy these devices at Authorized Xiaomi stores and partner retailers nationwide and online through Xiaomi’s official e-stores in Lazada, Shopee, and TikTok Shop beginning April 14.
For the latest updates and further information, be sure to visit Xiaomi’s official page.