Fantasy series by CJ ENM’s production powerhouse Studio Dragon, Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938, will be coming exclusively on Prime Video globally starting May 6. The story which continues the tale of gumiho Lee Yeon (Lee Dong-wook) when he unexpectedly ends up in the year 1938, will be joining its Korean content collection such as True to Love, Jinny’s Kitchen and Island. Prime Video subscribers in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, and Japan can watch a new episode of Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 weekly, every Saturday and Sunday. The show will launch globally everywhere else later this summer.
Following the success of the first season centered on nine-tailed foxes known as gumiho in Korean legend as well as other supernatural characters, Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 will bring back well-loved characters and also introduce a new and exciting story. Lee Dong-wook and Kim Beom will reprise their beloved roles as half brothers Lee Yeon and Lee Rang. Popular for his roles in hit series like Guardian: The Lonely and Great God, Bad and Crazy, Touch Your Heart, and more, Lee Dong-wook leads the new series as the prickly hero Lee Yeon. Kim Beom who has acted in Ghost Doctor, Law School, Boys Over Flowers, and more, plays the charming half-gumiho Lee Rang.
Kim So-yeon and Ryu Kyung-soo will be introduced as new characters who are integral to the plot in Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938. Kim So-yeon, who won the 2021 Baeksang Arts Awards for Best Actress in television for her acting in The Penthouse: War in Life, will portray Ryu Hong-ju who has some history with Lee Yeon. Ryu Kyung-soo, who is known for his roles in Itaewon Class, Lovestruck in the City, and Hellbound, will act as Cheon Mu-yeong who is a long-time friend of Lee Yeon and Ryu Hong-ju. Hwang Hee and Kim Yong-ji from the first season will also be joining the main cast.
In Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938, Lee Yeon unexpectedly finds himself summoned to the year 1938. He sees some familiar faces including his brother Lee Rang with whom he has a very different relationship in present day. Lee Yeon seeks a way to return to the present but meets some old friends who may turn out to be foes. His efforts to go back to his loved ones in present time proves to be a challenge as he deals with forces determined to take away everyone he loves.
Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 will transport audiences into a fantasy world as well as the turbulent times of Korea in 1938. Intertwining stories about love and family with action and drama, the series will definitely be a fun and riveting watch. Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938 will be available globally through Prime Video, starting May 6.