An extraordinary tale of a moving and spellbinding love unfolds in the new HBO Original series The Time Traveler’s Wife. The six-episode science-fiction and romantic drama premieres same time as the U.S. on Monday, May 16 at 9am on HBO and HBO GO, with a same day 10pm encore on HBO. A new episode will follow every Monday.
The Time Traveler’s Wife is an intricate and magical love story, adapted by Steven Moffat (Doctor Who, Sherlock) from the much-loved novel by Audrey Niffenegger and directed by David Nutter. The genre-bending drama series expertly weaves themes of love, loss, marriage, and survival – in a story that defies the laws and logic of time.
Rose Leslie (HBO’s Game of Thrones) is Clare Abshire, fiery, clever, unstoppable – and for most of her life she has had an amazing secret. At six years old, Clare meets Henry, the future love of her life – and who, as a time traveler, is actually visiting from the future. Fourteen years later, when Rose wanders into the library where Henry, played by Theo James (Divergent) works, claiming not only to have known him all her life but also to be his future wife, a magical romance ensues that is as sprawling and complicated as Henry’s attempts to explain his “condition.”
The genre-bending drama series expertly weaves themes of love, loss, marriage, and survival – in a story that defies the laws and logic of time.
In addition to Rose Leslie and Theo James, The Time Traveler’s Wife also stars Caitlin Shorey and Everleigh McDonell as younger versions of Clare Abshire; Brian Altemus and Jason David as younger versions of Henry DeTamble; as well as Desmin Borges as Gomez, and Natasha Lopez as Charisse.
An HBO and Warner Bros. Television production based on the book by Audrey Niffenegger, The Time Traveler’s Wife is executive produced by writer Steven Moffat, director David Nutter (HBO’s Game of Thrones, The Sopranos); Sue Vertue (Sherlock, Coupling) and Brian Minchin (Doctor Who, Torchwood) through Hartswood Films; and Joseph E. Iberti (HBO’s Watchmen, Boardwalk Empire).
Stream or download The Time Traveler’s Wife from May 16 on HBO GO. Subscribe to HBO GO online at or the mobile app via the App Store or Play Store on your device for as low as ₱99.70/month. Or access HBO GO via Cignal, Globe and Skycable. HBO GO is also available on Android TV, Apple TV, LG TV and Samsung Smart TV – and comes with AirPlay and Google Cast functionality.