With 10.9 million engagements from the 3,677 articles, ABS-CBN News’ website news.abs-cbn.com ranked 10th on facebook’s list of the biggest web publishers for March 2022.
In January 2022, the website ranked 18th. In February, it climbed to the 12th spot.
“We used our API and NewsWhip Spike to gather these rankings… This analysis includes English-language content from publishers, ranked by facebook likes, shares, and comments to their web content, ranked by domain,” the website NewsWhip stated.
news.abs-cbn.com was the only Philippine website that got included on the list, which features huge media platforms such as BBC, CNN, NBC News, Daily Mail, Business Insider, NY Times, Washington Post, Reuters, and The Guardian.
In February, ABS-CBN.com had 16.1 million visits, which was higher than GMANetwork.com with 11.6 million visits.
ABS-CBN News’ twitter account had its breakthrough when it reached 8 million followers.
Their Instagram account has already more than 2 million followers, and their YouTube account has reached more than 13 million subscribers.
In March 2021, the YouTube channel of ABS-CBN Entertainment has become the most subscribed and most viewed account in the Southeast Asia region with a huge follower base of 32.7 million subscribers and 43 billion views.
Popular Web traffic analytic services, Alexa, and similar web ranked ABS-CBN Corporation’s website–ABS-CBN.com as the most popular in the country.