Herbalife Nutrition Global Fitness Advisory Board Member Shayamal Vallabhjee revealed three Cs to actually become productive despite stressful situations—composure, competence, and confidence.
In the virtual press conference held by HerbaLife on July 21, Shayamal explained that these three could really help anyone in a predicament.
The first C, Composure, can be done by training your mind to relax and be calm from within.
“When you look externally, you make yourself a victim of that situation, and you render yourself completely powerless. In an internal perspective, the mind is able to calm itself down. The mind is able to perceive a situation rationally,” Shayamal said.
Competence means how good a person is at something.
“When you have competence, you have a strength that you can execute in a high-pressure situation,” he explained.
The third C, Confidence, can come in two ways: one, motivation and habit cultivation.
“The confidence you need to succeed comes from competence,” he stressed. “And these three — composure, competence, and confidence — can help you thrive in any environment.”
Aside from Shayamal, Chairman of the Herbalife Nutrition Institute, Dr. David Heber shared why eating healthy is essential during times of stress where stress-eating is an escape.
“They turn to foods that are quick and comforting but often loaded with fat, salt, and sugar,” he pointed out. “Being mindful of what you eat, especially during stressful circumstances, can help you manage stress levels and change the way you respond to it.”
Regarding mindless snacking, Dr. Herbert advised that it is not a good idea. Instead of just munching stress away, he suggested that nutritious, hard, and crunchy food can help lessen the stress, and at the same time, exercises the jaw muscles.
Also, skipping meals is not a good idea. It turns out that not eating food can adversely affect one’s mood and energy levels.
“Blood sugar levels can fall, leading to increased stress. If stress is an appetite-killer, try eating smaller amounts of food more often during the day,” revealed Dr. Herbert.
Apart from eating healthy, exercise and enough sleep can also help to relieve stress. Staying active releases endorphins, making the body feel good, reducing stress. Sleep, on the other hand, helps the body go into repair mode.
“Collectively, nutrition, exercise, and sleep promote better health, and while they won’t take away the stressful situations, they can help you better manage stress levels and achieve a better overall wellbeing,” he advised.
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