Docu-magazine show ‘On Record’ has moved to an earlier timeslot. The GMA Public Affairs program hosted by Kapuso reporters Oscar Oida and Mav Gonzales now airs on Sundays at 5:20 p.m.
On Record has been featuring captured moments of life—videos and photos about heroism, random acts of kindness, and other inspiring stories that are caught on camera.
This Sunday (July 11), Oscar and Mav bring another set of stories that hope to bring out life’s simple joys. As this pandemic drags on, many of the things that typically make us happy have gone down the drain. Witness how some turn their attention toward simple moments and allow themselves to experience joy while fighting the pandemic.
For John Paol Labadia, fondly called Betty Mae, creating TikTok videos has been a source of delight. The 22-year-old aspiring model has posted a series of her photoshoot fails, which the netizens find amusing.
Stuffing birthday cake with loads of cash has been trending recently. The celebrator is asked to pull out the cake topper and a long stream of hundred or thousand-peso bills will emerge, safely encased in plastic wrapping. But 94-year-old Salvacion Sameñada gets a different surprise inside her cake. Her granddaughter hid a chain of twenty-peso bills inside the cake bars—nothing fancy but grandma’s reaction was priceless. The video was widely shared online.
Meanwhile, Ilyn Gargoles has found handwritten notes near the Malolos Provincial Jail in Bulacan. It turns out the inmates have written those notes. These contain simple requests like asking their loved ones to visit them and bring some food and medicine. Will their plea be granted?
Catch On Record every Sunday, 5:20 PM on GMA. Kapuso abroad can also watch it on GMA News TV.
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