Due to the arrival of the animated adaptation of the Filipino graphic novel, Trese on June 11 on Netflix, the next logical step for its path is a live-action adaptation. Many are wondering if Liza Soberano, who provided the voice for Alexandra, the Filipino version of the series–will she breathe into the character, too?
In an interview with Soberano, she already expressed an interest in working on a possible live-action adaptation.
“Why not. I mean, if it was offered to me, of course.”
She also pointed out how a live-action adaptation of the series would compare with the animated version of Trese.
“And, if they made a live-action series, and they were able to put it on Netflix or a big platform such as Netflix, and that would be amazing. Because I feel like a lot more people pay even more attention to it. I feel like they would pay attention to naman with the anime, but iba din talaga pag live-action series, and you’re able to pull it off. That would be really cool.”
Soberano revealed reading through the source material, which she somehow became a fan of.
“I like the story so much, after I read the first comic, ah the graphic novel, I couldn’t stop. I kept on reading it derederetso, I finished it in a day and a half because of course, in between, I have to eat, meetings and everything. But if not, I would have read that in how many hours.
“The storytelling is amazing, and it’s just so rich in culture. And it taught me more about our mythological creatures as well, because yes, I know of them, but I don’t know their purposes, why they do what they do, and what they’re meant to be doing. So it gave me a little bit more insight on that.”
Trese creator Budjette Tan teased the possibility of a live-action adaptation of the Netflix series.
“And, in the 10 years that (Tanya) Yuson was pitching it, Tanya and Shanti, It was being pitched as a live-action adaptation. So one of these days in the near future, we might just see a live-action of Trese.”
With Netflix greenlighting Asian content that sparks global social media buzz, it would not be far from reality. However, some may ask why it would be Liza Soberano?
Given her familiarity with the Filipino culture, the source material, the role, and her background, Soberano is a better bet for the live-action adaptation of the series if it’s really in the works.
Most importantly, if this becomes a live-action adaptation, wouldn’t it give proper global representation to the rich culture Pinoys have? More so, if it does happen, wouldn’t this opportunity open doors to many Pinoy talents who long deserve their international break?