Talented and humorous, duo Noir Disco drop their take on the classic track ‘Rockstar’, originally by Nickelback. Marking the build up to their upcoming album ‘Oh My Nightmare’, the track has a witty and brilliant video, dropping March 2nd.
Co-produced by the pop duo, 80s synth laden and piano led, the cover is a slowed-down melancholy version of its original. With a huge pad-filled climax to the song, the sadness the pair bring out creates a beautiful, ironic and poignant comment on fame. It paints a powerful and ultimately more realistic version of a song synonymous with the rockstar life.
On their musical career and its relation with the track, Noir Disco explain that “we realized when we prioritized the pursuit of success in our life, we found ourselves lonely & disconnected from the people close to us. We woke up to an American Dream which had become a Nightmare for both of us. We wish more people were open about the sadness of their experience with fame. We want to prioritize laughter & community in this life, not the exclusive clubs all the pretty people hangout in.”
Noir Disco comprise of 2 brothers, Saucy and Nolan, from the suburbs of Chicago, who began making music in 2015. Having received much success after the release of their debut EP, their track ‘Escapade’ featured on Pigeon & Planes and has over 900k streams on Spotify alone. Having released a handful of singles last year, ‘Rockstar’ marks their return. Its funny and cool video tells a trippy story of a reality headset dream, and matches the tone of the song perfectly.
‘Rockstar’ comes off of their upcoming album ‘Oh My Nightmare’, which promises to be an exciting and clever release from the talented duo.
“Rockstar” is set for release March 2nd.