From the creators of “Moana” and “Frozen,” Walt Disney Animation Studios introduces the new epic adventure “Raya and the Last Dragon,” the latest animated film inspired by the cultures of Southeast Asia. Set in the fantasy world of Kumandra, where long ago humans and dragons lived together in harmony, Raya (voiced by Kelly Marie Tran) will take us on an exciting new adventure to track down the legendary last dragon, Sisu (voiced by Awkwafina) to restore the fractured land and unite its divided people. But along her journey, Raya will learn that it will take more than a dragon to save the world.
To celebrate the introduction of Disney’s Southeast Asian-inspired princess and warrior, it is only fitting that the film’s soundtrack will represent the region. This is why Disney Philippines is launching “Gabay” and has handpicked Asia’s Soul Supreme KZ Tandingan to sing the first-ever Disney track in Filipino.
“Raya and the Last Dragon is inspired by various Southeast Asian cultures and, as such, we found it fitting to launch ‘Gabay’ as a way for us to celebrate the film and connect with our Filipino fans,” said Allie Benedicto, Studio Marketing Head of Disney Philippines. “‘Gabay,’ the first-ever Disney track sung in Filipino, demonstrates our commitment to work with local creative talents to tell our stories in a locally relevant manner.”
“I am very grateful and I feel very proud to be singing in my language, and show off its beauty to the rest of the world. I am proud to be part of history,” said Tandingan. “I grew up watching Disney movies. Finally, there is a Disney Princess who I can feel a very strong connection to, and that is Raya as the first one inspired by Southeast Asia.”
“Gabay” is a song about trust, strength, and unity, which KZ found inspiring when she read the lyrics for the first time. “I love that the song reminds us that sometimes we feel we are weak, especially when we are alone, but if we just learn to trust each other, to come together, and to unite, only then are we able to change the world,” she shared.
“Gabay” drops on Spotify on March 5, 2021. Stay tuned for the music video by following Disney Philippines on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Experience “Raya and the Last Dragon” in Philippine cinemas soon. Join the conversations online at #DisneyRayaPH.