MYMP’s guitarist Chin Alcantara received hateful comments with regards to his “costume” at /an online gig last October 31.
To clear up his name, Alcantara made an appearance on Magic 89.9’s “Good Times with Mo” to explain the Black Face controversy.
Chin insisted that he did not know and it was not his intention to offend people with his costume. Moreover, he believes that black lives really do matter but he does not believe in the movement itself since according to him, it was being used a propaganda. According to him, all lives matter.
Mo tried to educate Alcantara by citing examples as to why his portrayal of a black person is offensive. He even mentioned that someone dressing up as a Nazi is forbidden in other countries because it serves as a reminder of the murder, oppression, and tyranny of the German regime.
“Dressing up like a nazi or a black person is a reminder of the oppression and tyranny of the pain and the suffering that the German regime suffered,” Mo added.
However, despite the numerous examples given by Mo so that Chin could get the point of why it was offensive to do blackface, he still couldn’t get it.
For Mo, Chin prioritized accuracy instead of decency just to win a Halloween Costume Contest.
Chin in his attempts to clear the confusion mentioned that other races were not being treated equally as well. However, Mo refuted Alcantara’s argument by saying that the races he mentioned were not in a country where they were promised of equality unlike the Black people in America.
Still, Alcantara insisted that all lives must matter and not just the Blacks’ lives. He still did not get the point of why the BLM movement is very important and dressing up as a black person is a mockery of said race. Even with Mo and his co-hosts’ efforts to educate Chin, they failed miserably and as a result, Chin Alcantara is still ignorant as to why the Black Lives Matter Movement should not be misrepresented or normalized.
You can watch the full interview and roasting of Chin Alcantara here: