Two months after Alex Diaz received worldwide support for coming out, he posted sweet photos of himself and his non-showbiz girlfriend Maria Daniella Hake on New Year’s Eve with the caption “#NYE2020 SNAPS.”
Followers of Alex seem to be happy with the development of his love life. Despite the controversy surrounding him coming out, Maria chose to stay, love, and accept the 25-year-old singer.
At the same time, Maria also posted on her Instagram with a caption that seemed to show that when Alex confessed his true gender, it helped them to love each other more.
She said: “The plot twist to end all plot twist. HAPPY 2020!”
In Case You Missed It
The controversy about Alex all started when the Fitness Coach Miguel Chanco uploaded a series of screenshots of his private conversation with the singer.
This issue has led Alex to leave the country for some time to contemplate. His revelation was able to make the LGBTQ Community to whole-heartedly welcome and love him just the way he is.
Here are what his supporters had to say after he came out: