The Sunday comedy-variety show of GMA Sunday PinaSaya produced by the APT Entertainment is now down to its last five weeks.
The final episode of the variety show will air on December 22, 2019, and the stars and the production staff are now starting to feel separation anxiety with each other as well with the loyal viewers of the show.
Mainstays and staff’s main concern about bidding goodbye
If there’s one more thing that adds to the anguish of Sunday PinaSaya’s mainstays and the entire production staff is that they have to say goodbye three days before Christmas Day. Despite their show coming to an end, they are still proud of their ratings.
On the contrary, when the veteran comedienne Ai-Ai Delas Alas renewed her contract with GMA Network last October 29, 2019, she confirmed that Sunday PinaSaya was not going off the air based on the comments of one of the network’s executives.
Sunday PinaSaya has been running for five years, and GMA Network is expected to come up with its replacement by the first week of January 2020.