• Kris Aquino finally settled her dispute with the Falcis brothers
• The actress announced this news on her Instagram account
• In 2018, Kris went through a legal battle because of financial abuse
Kris Aquino and her former business partner Nicko Falcis and his brother Jesus Falcis finally settled their year-long dispute.
Through an Instagram post, the Queen of all media happily announced the news.
Kris quoted,”LEARN from YESTERDAY…
but above all, make sure to LOVE TOMORROW.
“To permanently leave this chapter behind, and embrace all that lies ahead for me, comments for this post shall be turned off. You are FREE to discuss the statement from DivinaLaw, just not on my feed,” she said.
She also included the statement both issued by her and Nicko’s respective legal teams.
It wrote: “Ms. Kristina Bernadette C. Aquino, Mr. Nicardo M. Falcis II and Atty. Jesus Nicardo M. Falcis II have fairly settled all financial issues and amicably worked out all personal differences. To avoid any future misunderstanding, no further statement shall be forthcoming.”
It was in the late 2018 when Kris filed a qualified theft complaint against her then unidentified financial abuser in seven cities—Quezon City, San Juan, Makati, Mandaluyong, Manila, Pasig, and Taguig. The abuser was then later identified as Nicko who allegedly pocketed PhP40 million from her.
According to Kris, her camp tried to settle the issue amicably with her abuser’s representatives but failed. Kris then began to air her sentiments on social media about the financial abuse she experienced in her business ventures Nacho Bimby + Potato Corner and Snail White.
She sought legal assistance from former solicitor general Atty. Florence Hilbay to solve the issue. But in January 2019, Kris admitted online that she was ailing from a “form of lupus.” Meanwhile, Nicko released a statement to clear his name saying that the allegations are “false and without basis.”
Prior to this, his brother also supported his claim stating that he did not commit the 44 counts of qualified theft.
A recording of Kris threatening Nicko’s life went viral. After some time, Kris eventually admitted it was really her in the viral audio clip and she issued a public apology.
This June 2019, Kris went on a social media hiatus to spend more time with her sons and to focus on healing from her autoimmune disease.