- Netizens called out Ina Reformina on her flat earth views.
- Ina Reformina tweeted her biblical views on flat earth theory.
- She insisted that between science and the scriptures, she’d go for the latter and insisted her being a Born-Again Christian.
ABS-CBN reporter Ina Reformina is currently making abuzz on social media for apparently being a flat earther.
Reformina who’s into justice beat for ABS-CBN News caught the attention of Netizens after she tweeted a verse from the Book of Enoch tagging Flat Earth Philippines member @RyaanFEP.
Book of Enoch 18:1-5. Of the foundations of the earth and the firmament of heaven.
@RyaanFEP pic.twitter.com/s6PRwz2eMd
— Ina Reformina (@InaReformina) January 26, 2019
Book of Enoch according to its Wikipedia entry “is an ancient Jewish religious work, ascribed by tradition to Enoch, the great-grandfather of Noah. Enoch warrants special attention for the unique material it holds, such as the origins of supernatural demons and giants, why some angels fell from heaven, details explaining why the Great Flood was morally necessary, and prophetic exposition of the thousand-year reign of the Messiah.”
It is the biblical text used by flat earthers to back up their theory.
While it is part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Book of Enoch wasn’t included in the bible because it was considered non-canonical or non-inspired. Only the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church regarded it as canonical.
And that is the point raised by one of the Netizens who replied to Reformina’s tweet.
Although the reporter did not categorically say that she’s a flat earther, subsequent tweets implied that Reformina indeed subscribes to the theory.
In a tweet by @noelvpascual seemingly lecturing the ABS-CBN reporter about night and day from different sides of the world, Reformina pushed her scripture-based argument saying she’s a born-again Christian.
All my beliefs are Scripture-based, dear.
I am a born-again Christian.
— Ina Reformina (@InaReformina) February 22, 2019
She further defended her view in another tweet saying between scripture and science she’ll believe the scripture more.
Scriptures vs science? I go for Scriptures. The Word of the Almighty Father vs the word of man? Easy choice. I think you should study the Bible from page1.
— Ina Reformina (@InaReformina) February 22, 2019
Aside from her tweets, Reformina’s tweet likes also showed indication of her affiliation to flat earthers.
Flat earthers are those people who subscribe to the ancient theory that the earth is flat. They are currently gaining ground with the help of social media.
In the Philippines, Pinoy flat earthers are moderated by Flat Earth Philippines (@RyaanFEP) on Twitter and on their official Facebook page Flat Earth Philippines.