- Diego Loyzaga posted advertisement for a juice company.
- He supposedly told DJ Jhai Ho that he didn’t attempt suicide.
Diego Loyzaga recently posted an advertisement for a juice drink on his Instagram Story on November 11, Sunday. In a recent report, Diego supposedly told DJ Jhai Ho that the rumors aren’t true. Diego continued to say that he is fine.
Diego posted an ad.
Loyzaga posted an ad for The Juicery Manila, cold pressed juicing from fresh raw vegetables & fruits.
Suicide attempt.
On November 8, Thursday, blind item reports started to get published on various entertainment news sites. TV5 reporter Laila Chikadora posted a blind item on her Facebook account on November 7, Wednesday.
“Young actor of showbiz blood commits suicide.
Slashes neck and wrists with a swiss knife
He is in a hospital somewhere in QC now; conscious. Please don’t let your inner demons win. I will pray for you. Sad.”
Jhai Ho sent his concern.
Diego’s name was publicized on November 9, Friday. According to several reports, Diego was taken to St. Luke’s hospital in Quezon City. Reporters tried to get the side of his parents, Teresa Loyzaga and Cesar Montano. They, however, remained silent on the issue.
Jhai Ho decided to send Diego screenshots of quotes about praying, handling pain and failure. The DJ tried to make the young actor feel better, offering to talk to him. Diego, then, answered with a “thank you.”
Diego assures Jhai Ho.
Jhai Ho told Diego that he loves him very much and believes in his ability as an actor. The DJ also hoped that Diego wouldn’t do what the news says. Diego, then, asked Jhai Ho about the news and the latter forwarded the articles he read. Diego answered and assured Jhai Ho, saying: “Hindi ‘yan totoo, Jhai. Don’t worry. I’m fine.”