Over the past few weeks, Uber riders have shared their drivers’ stories and dreams on social media using the hashtag #KayoRinPo. Uber has since received countless stories, including one about a driver who has taken many trips to the airport but has never been on a plane, a driver who has taken many students to school and dreams for his kids to finish college, and a driver who has shared meals with riders while on a trip but longs to treat his family to dinners more often.
To their surprise, Uber turned their dreams into reality.
Three riders with heartwarming #KayoRinPo stories, Saab Magalona, Dennise Lazaro, and Diana Yambao teamed up with Uber Philippines to surprise their driver-partners Robert, Allan, and Paul.
Watch the video below to see what happened.
Have your own #KayoRinPo stories? You can still share them online, and remember that the smallest gestures could mean really great things for those who least expect it.