“Sublime continuance of Filipino drama series and quality storylines”
“The Good Son” premiered on ABS-CBN’s Primetime Bida on September 25. It is a family drama series starring Joshua Garcia, Jerome Ponce, Mccoy de Leon and Nash Aguas, directed by Manny Q. Palo and Andoy Ranay.
Prodigious story
There is no perfect family and that makes it a family.
Life is not a fairytale that is always into a happy setting and ending. It opens the reality of pleasure accompanied by suffering and regret.
Eye-opening story
The Good Son is a reflection of Filipino family. The love and joy in every family have developed a unique bond. However, in the story, the conflict evolves in the structure of the family and how Filipinos think and solve the problems. Hence, we are more exposed to a growing number of diverse life-threatening problems. The process of modernization is catching up with the Filipino family that affects values and traditions. Indeed, the story is typical yet, a work of art in strengthening the value of family.
There is so much to look forward to
The element of surprise about the roles and the real person who killed the father solidify the effect eagerness of the viewers to watch. You will always look forward to catching the case of the TV Series. Thus, each episode manifest the masterpiece value of literature.
Characters to love
Characters are very relevant in this generation. They are the representations of the structure of a family. The beauty of imperfection in this society has been valued and practiced. You will reflect your worth and how you will love your own character.
Profound and skilled writers
Every episode has its realizations and that is because of the writers. Every line imprint a reflection on how are as a human in this society. They review the reality of every Filipino family. Indeed, the skills of writers are one of the impactful assets of the series.
Mystery and beyond
Skilled and well-directed scenes coming from the outstanding directors of The Good Son. They cultivate and facilitate the whole production team. The artistry of the theme is being manifested by the acting prowess of the actors as directed by the directors.
Astonishing artistry of editing
The principles of visual narration are artistically practice and demonstrate in the TV series. One of the commendable skills is the “dramatic turning point of the story” that foster the meaningful and artistry of the story. The essence of the narrative content from its real context is undeniably astonishing.
Oozing cinematography
Creative reign! A promising cinematography fulfills images in different views or angles in this TV series. Heartfelt and fascinating for the viewers every time they see the perspective of Filipino family.
Enthrall directing
The artistic direction as the new excitement and greatness. The directors have the full concept of the art of the camera and how it will be a very symbolic to the storyline and to conflict of the story.
Drama at its best
ABS-CBN’s Kapamilya has not forgotten about the fans to be fascinated and cry with their drama series. Indeed, ABS-CBN never fails to amaze its viewers. They always brought a high standards TV dramas in the Philippines.