Depression, said the World Health Organization, “will be the most common single cause of disability in both developed and developing countries by 2020.”
On October 10, Nadine Lustre, posted a photo of a semicolon (;) with the hashtag #KeepGoing in her Instagram story. Her boyfriend, James Reid, immediately followed suit.
Nadine Lustre
James Reid
Their friends Bret Jackson, Jack Reid, Lauren Reid, Sam Concepcion, Kiana Valenciano, and many others did the same.
Bret Jackson
Sam Concepcion
Alexander Diaz
Lauren Reid
Kiana Valenciano
Jack Reid
Arci Muñoz
Gretchen Ho: “Light up the dark for someone ; whenever you can #KeepGoing”
Bianca Gonzalez: “You can overcome this. You are not alone. #KeepGoing”
Julian Trono
Various news reports detailed about a 16-year-old younger brother of Nadine was found lifeless in Barangay Talipapa, Quezon City on Saturday, October 7.
The #KeepGoing is currently used to spread awareness on mental health issues for the World Mental Health Day. The semicolon is a symbol that says the sentence is not yet finished and another clause will follow. In pop culture, it represents hope and love to those who are struggling with depression and mental health problems.
According to Project Semicolon, “You are the author and the semicolon is your life.”