ABS-CBN’s primetime drama series “Magpahanggang Wakas” reached its new all-time high national TV rating last Tuesday (Dec 6) after the episode showed the intense confrontation between Simon (Cris Villanueva) and Jenna (Gelli De Belen) on a roofdeck that led to the latter’s death.
According to data from Kantar Media, the show hit a national TV rating of 28% versus its rival that only got 20%. As the story continues, Aryann (Arci Munoz) faces the aftermath of the incident as she gets accused of murdering Jenna after she was seen on the crime scene.
How will Aryann prove her innocence? What will happen when Aryann and Tristan (John Estrada) face off in court?
Don’t miss “Magpahanggang Wakas” before “Till I Met You” on ABS-CBN and on ABS-CBN HD (SkyCable ch 167). Catch up on the show’s past episodes via iWanTV or skyondeman.com.ph for Sky subscribers.