On Friday (October 14), Kris Aquino shared to her followers on Instagram that she will be having a movie date with “The Third Party” lead actress Angel Locsin. She said, “Movie date tomorrow afternoon w/ @therealangellocsin- because for me friendship shouldn’t be determined by where i work, but where my heart is. ❤️”
Graded A by the Cinema Evaluation Board (CEB), “The Third Party” tells the story of Andi (Locsin), a woman who is still not over her ex-boyfriend and high school best friend Max (Sam Milby). After some years, their paths cross again and Andi hopes that this becomes the perfect time to rekindle their romance. Her hope crushes after Max introduces her to his partner Christian (Zanjoe Marudo).
Andi is ready to move on again until in an interesting twist of fate, an untoward incident forces her to run back to Max and asks if she could live with him and Christian. As Andi tries one more time to win back the heart of Max, Christian is determined to do everything to keep him.
Here’s Kris’s movie review: “#TheThirdParty is about being true to who you are, accepting the people you love for everything they are, imperfections included- and most of all it reaffirms that you fight for love, because giving up can mean a life of regret…
But ultimately you need to be worthy of being fought for, and that comes from not just acknowledging your flaws, but working hard to minimize them- because a person who risks his/her heart to love you (whether he/she is lesbian, gay, bisexual, straight, queer & every other sub-category in between) deserves the best version of you.
@therealangellocsin as Andi is everyone of us who has loved and lost, who has been left, who has made mistakes- but she is inspiring in that she didn’t lose hope. @samuelmilby as Max is every confused, repressed, and weakened man who is torn between family acceptance & being true to his heart.
Zanjoe Marudo said the 1 line in the movie I wish I had possessed the courage to say so many times in real life- when Sam had said “I loved her once”- he passionately said “But I’m the one you’re supposed to love now.”
The movie is a must watch because the performances are straightforward & the directing is sincerely & truly NOW. ❤️”