Beauty Queen trainer and manager Jonas Gaffud met Kapamilya star Liza Soberano during the recently concluded Star Magic Ball. He captioned his photo with Liza with, “Gorgeous Liza Soberano. She has what it takes to be a Miss Universe #starmagicball2016”
That night, Liza wearing a patterned floor-length turquoise blue gown she co-designed with Michael Cinco, took home the Best Dressed award.
A day after, Jonas uploaded a photo again with Liza, comparing her to the dethroned Miss Universe 2002 Oxana Fedorova. He said, “Miss Universe 2002 Oxana Fedorova (dethroned; but still one of the most beautiful winners of the pageant aside from my love Pia) has a resemblance to the very beautiful @lizasoberano ❤️”
No less than Wurtzbach agreed to her mentor’s observation. Commenting on his post, Pia said, “I agree! She really has the beauty for it. She doesn’t even need to try! Natural!”