Rita Gabiola aka Badjao Girl is just girl among the children in the Quezon Province often seen carrying her baby brother as she begs for alms.
This beautiful girl from the Badjao tribe went viral on social media when her photos spread fast after Topher Quinto Burgos,a photographer took snapshots of her while begging for coins in the street of Lucban,Quezon during a Pahiyas Festival. Topher posted the photos in Nikon Philippines page tagged as “Beauty Slayer” which eventually catches the eyes of netizens that makes it to be virally reposted to Facebook pages with thousands to millions of followers.
The Badjao girl that has gone viral on the internet was found by the media and was featured on different shows on local TV. She is Rita Gabiola, 13 years old and residing in a makeshift in Quezon Province.
She also has dreams like many people do and that is to finish studies so that she can help her family. Rita’s father is a fisherman, and most of the daily catch are often for personal consumption.