Baron Geisler finally aired his side of the story in the viral video uploaded by Khalil Versoza showing a rowdy Baron attacking UP students. According to Verzosa, the delay was due to their tight school work. This apparently did no appease Geisler who was also shown in the video locking his hand on the neck of the student while cursing him and telling whoever was shooting the video to stop.
Baron, through the official statement aired on “Tonight with Boy Abunda,” confirmed the said incident and clarified that it was “taken out of context.” He also stated that their camp is planning to “consult” his “lawyers for the possible liabilities of the person who uploaded the video whose apparent intention is to exploit” his “already damaged reputation.”
WATCH: Baron Geisler attacks student over delayed script
Boy Abunda also said that Baron clarified that the video was not scripted and Baron was not drunk when the incident happened. According to Baron, he also thought that everything was already settled that’s why he was surprised to see the video and went viral on Social Media.