ABS-CBN’s adaptation of the worldwide hit telenovela sensation “Pasion De Amor” remains to be the most watched program in its timeslot since it premiered in June 2015, beating a number of rival shows during its almost eight-month run – “A Mother’s Secret,” “Starstruck VI” and “Wowowin.”
Even its newest game show rival failed to trump the Kapamilya series. On its pilot telecast last February 1, “Pasion De Amor” hit a national Tv rating of 18.9% versus its rival program’s 14.8%. And until today, “Pasion De Amor” remains to be undisputed in its early primetime slot nationwide.
Its highest recorded rating according to Kantar Media was in an episode that aired in October last year when it reached 29.2%.
As the show enters its final two weeks, the plot delivers more exciting and intense twists as Gabriel (Wendell Ramos) finally reveals himself to Juan (Jake Cuenca) and Norma (Arci Munoz), Oscar (Ejay Falcon) and Sari (Ellen Adarna), and Franco (Joseph Marco) and Jamie (Coleen Garcia).
What will be Gabriel’s last hurrah to destroy the lives of the Samontes and the Elizondos? Who will make it alive and who will have to say goodbye?
Don’t miss the hottest finale of “Pasion De Amor” weeknights on ABS-CBN’s Primetime Bida. For updates, like www.facebook.com/pasiondeamor.tv on Facebook, follow @pasiondeamor_TV on Twitter or follow @pasiondeamor.abscbn on Instagram.