SM Supermall and SM Cares continue to provide ways on how to engage senior citizens in our country to give them back the love and determination they have for our country.
The overwhelming event was held last December 8. 2015 at the Skydome perfectly situated in SM North Edsa, Quezon City. It was indeed a memorable day composed of musical entertainment and gift-giving in each and every senior citizen residents of Metro Manila, there are also entertainers to amuse and made them relax even just for a day.
On top of the program, senior citizens were also enjoy the day through their extra-ordinary dance performance whereas the audiences as well as the entire crowd were all amazed that at those age they can still manage to move around, dance like young stars and perform in ways they cannot imagine that they still can.
The event is intended for senior citizens last December 8, 2015 and it was completed by raffle, food and drinks.
Rediscovering life at its finest with SM Cares!
In line with this, the HR Manager in SM Fairview shares that there would be 10 senior citizens to be hired in each and every mall working as greeters and ushers only every Saturdays and Sundays for a maximum of four hours starting at the opening time of mall which is 10:00AM and not only that, the feeling of satisfaction is also provided to all the lucky senior citizens to wear a proper uniform once again after spending some years at home or doing jobs that do not require any uniform at all.
All things made possible by SM Malls and SM Cares for Senior Citizens
There are also heart-warming services to be given to these young at heart, they now have free health classes during Seniors Day complied with computer literacy sessions.
Inspirational talks are also conducted to provide them hope and the positive attitude of not giving-up for life’s challenges and messages of solidarity as they whole-heartedly listened and implied to their lives.