Comedienne Ethel Booba, also known in the entertainment industry as Ethel Booba revealed that there is no big issue or misunderstanding between her and former Bayan Muna representative Teddy Casino.
This is in regards to the latter’s critique on Miss Universe Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach’s response during the interview portion of the Miss Universe Pageant where she, Ms. Wurztbach ‘s pro-US stance response.
She said, Mr. Casino jokingly replied to her viral tweet and said, “Now I know how it feels to be ‘burned’ on Twitter courtesy of Ethel, with the hashtag #FeelingEffigy.
To which Ethel wrote ,”Sir, I don’t intend to burn someone with that tweet” she jokingly added that she hope no one will accuse her of being an arsonist like before!”
It can be recalled that Ms. Ethel Booba was accused of starting fire in her own condominium unit several years ago. Ethel ended the alleged issue with a nice comment saying , “let’s advocate world peace.”
Ethel and Ted now follow each other on Twitter, the tweet became viral when Ethel criticized Mr.Casino and other militant leaders who reacted negatively on Miss Wurtzbach’s response during the pageant question to her that the Philippines should have a US military base.
Ms. Wurtzbach’s response by saying that she thinks that the United States and the Philippines have and always had good relationship with each other, that the Philippines are colonized by the Americans and have their culture in the local traditions even up to this day.
Pia Wurtzbach also added that Filipinos are very welcoming to the Americans and she don’t see any problem with that at all.
With these answers, Mr. Casino disagreed and commented that Ms. Wurtzbach should have at least acknowledged that there are problems that needs to be addressed regarding the US bases in the Philippines.
These comments by Mr. Casino, sparked a point blank tweet to him of Ethel where she said, ” It’s your job in Congress and you have more than 30 seconds to do that.” She also added that Ms. Pia Wurtzbach was there to win the crown of the Miss Universe 2015 and not to please the activist groups.
She may have the “Charot” expression as a disclaimer but it is a real talk and an eye opener or a reminder for everyone to analyze first before you react , rather than react first and feel sorry later.
That tweet as mentioned went viral and currently reached 6,000 and earned more than 10,000 likes.