One of the celebrities who have joined the cause by speaking out on social media is Isabelle Daza, who testified against Fashion Pulis and will be Liz Uy’s witness in her Court battle against Michael Lim.
Many of these celebrities posted this photo with their respective captions on Instagram:
Here are some celebrities who posted on their social media accounts to supports the hashtag #StopTheHate campaign.
Georgina Wilson @ilovegeorgina : “Today I am proud of one of my best friends @lizzzuy for standing up for an issue that has gone ignored for far too long. As public figures we know that criticism comes with the job but that doesnt give anyone the right to constantly cyberbully and post hate perpetuating false stories. I have personally been victimized by this blog’s malicious reporting and bashing as I’m sure many others have and it is time that we all take a stance and bring awareness to this unethical and negligent reporting. Be responsible with what you post and what you support online. #stopthehate NOW.”
Anne Curtis, @annecurtissmith “In this time and age where everyone is so passionate about “freedom of speech” people seem to have forgotten the difference between freedom of speech and cyber bullying. I stand with @lizzzuy as she makes a statement #StopTheHate”
KC Concepcion, @thisiskcconcepcion “#Appreciate. I support & uphold fair x responsible journalism. I support responsible online behavior from netizens. K thanks bye #StopTheHate”
Erwan Heussaff, @erwanheussaff “Nothing wrong with celebrity driven and gossip blogs. However, when it only focuses on bashing, body shaming, bullying, blaming and harbouring hate, it should never be called journalism. Just call it a hate blog and get on with it. No glory in putting other people down #stopthehate”
James Reid, @jaye.wolf “Support fair and responsible journalism. Remember there are people who profit from your negativity and harmful rumors… and that’s messed up so… #StopTheHate #NoOneLovesAHater lol”
Nadine Lustre, @nadzlustre “Let’s all be responsible. No nega! #StopTheHate ”
Divine Lee, @divinemlee “#StopTheHate spread the love nalang guys ”