7.) Friendship is their strongest foundation
The foundation of every deep relationship is friendship. This is self-explanatory but a user named Has post on Pinoylatest.com has gone deeper into explaining why Jadine is a loveteam like no other as s/he compared the former to designing a house.
“It’s good that they are good friends, that’s where everything starts –foundation. I’m a designer, I generate drawings; houses, furniture you name it. When I am designing a house the first thing I learned to do is ‘the foundation’ because if it’s not stable enough it may collapse, likewise JaDine.”

Adding that the second process is deciding where and how you will build it, next thing to do is to start building walls and windows for proper ventilation, “These are important in a relationship. There’s freshness and no suffocation. He can vent out to her and she can do the same with him. Then you’ve got the doors. One door closes the rest of them opens up.”
The last step would probably be the building of the roof. With that, nothing can tear them apart because the foundation they built is solid and deeply rooted at the core of their being.