In a screengrab by a netizen, the “pastillas” recipe was originally written last January 27, 2014 in a Facebook note, posted by a guy named Benedict Driedhenne Sanchez Garcia, which you can even see his user account at the bottom of the post:
In Benedict’s Facebook timeline, he posted his reaction regarding the video, citing the recipe he has created more than a year ago, that went viral. He didn’t mention about him asking for credits on the recipe, but made some side comments, noting on the alteration of his original recipe and how it became viral, although in a negative way.
After netizens have discovered his account, his Facebook timeline was flocked by alot of messages and notifications, pertaining about the recipe he created. He posted about the instant fame he got on his Facebook account:
Benedict is an events planning manager and coordinator in an events agency.
Being in the events industry, he attends alot of sporting events especially marathons.
He love to climb mountains and passionate in nature.
Benedict is also fond of writing “hugot” lines that quotes reality about love and relationships. Here are some of them which he recently posted (you can see his Facebook account at the bottom):
And apparently, with two people claiming as the original author of the “pastillas” recipe, there has been an exchange of words between Benedict and Miel, in which the latter has sent a personal message to Benedict on Facebook:
What can you say about the credit grabber, Miel Francisco, for owning Benedict’s originally written “pastillas” recipe?
Does Benedict deserves credit on his recipe and be called “Pastillas Boy”? Should he get invited on a noontime show too? Although posted on his Facebook comment that “Ms. Pastillas” is not his type, do you think there is still a chance for the two of them to get to know more together?