On an evening of September 15, 2015 (Tuesday), it was a sudden turn-out of events when the hashtag #BugawSerye have started trending on Twitter. It made a buzz when the noontime show “It’s Showtime” has started featuring a girl named Angelica Jane Yap, known as “Pastillas Girl”, on one of its segments. The said girl was first discovered when her video about a recipe on how to make “pastillas” which is actually a satire about his boyfriend who cheated on him went viral.
Here’s the video (contains foul language):
After she was first introduced on the noontime’s segment “AdVice Ganda”, she then appeared regularly on the show. A segment was created for her in the concept of her in search for a boyfriend. It was then said to be a stint of the said noontime show, as its answer to its rival show “Eat Bulaga’s” hit segment, “Kalyeserye” featuring its experimental lovetem AlDub.
Here’s the video of the said segment:
In the episode, it was noticed that the hosts are the ones picking and selecting random men from the audience to select a partner or potential boyfriend for “Pastillas Girl” in which they call “Mr. Pastillas”
As a continuation of the match-up for the said search for Mr. Pastillas, in the next video, it will be shown how Pastillas girl was asked on her opinion about the efforts of the 2-suitors to be, similar to a dating game show.
However, alot of netizens didn’t seem to be happy about how the segment was presented and executed. The hashtag #BugawSerye, started on Twitter that became viral, trending on sentiments about opinions that the said segment of “Pastillas Girl” is said to be in bad taste, and does not convey a good example for young audiences.
Here are some of the tweets pertaining to the said hashtag:
As seen on most tweets, although indirectly comparing of the said match-up segment of “It’s Showtime” from the rival show’s segment AlDub, the opinions are coming from an end where-in they noticed that the way they partners the girl from potential suitors is somewhat forced and noticeably being too much directed, opposite from the “Kalyeserye”, that keeps on mentioning of the line “(Pag-ibig) sa tamang panahon” which means love comes at the right time.
But what did really triggered the angered netizens to react negatively on the said concept of “Pastillas Girl”? On a post from the Abs-Cbn’s twitter account, dated September 15, 2015 at 9:15pm, they mentioned about the girl’s recipe in co-relation to finding a boyfriend in the gimmick they are cooking with the title “Twitterserye”
Here is the post:
The angered netizens made an impression that the correlation between the girl’s recipe and finding a boyfriend is in bad taste, because they are pointing out that it is somewhat similar to online dating. Although it may not be the intention of the girl to broadcast her intent to publicly announce her boyfriend searching, the show is amplifying a message that is somewhat objectifying the girl as a bait or an object which is placed in front of thousands of men watching the show that is why the hashtag #BugawSerye came to be which means “to pimp someone”, and in return, the noontime show benefiting for high ratings.
What is your opinion? Do you really think the show does offend some moral perspective? Share your comments below.